
Article 1 Terms of Use
The Terms and Conditions for Use (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Terms’) provide for all matters relating to the use of CarrieVerse Web3 content solution services (hereinafter referred to as ‘Service’). User is responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations of the ‘Service’. If this condition is not agreed, this ‘Service’ may not be used or accessible.

The data contained in the ‘Service’ are protected in accordance with the relevant laws. Each of the detailed clauses contains more specific matters of attention that users must refer to and confirm.

Article 2 User Agreement
① A person wishing to become a member applies for a user agreement by consenting to the contents of the ‘Terms’ and entering the membership information in accordance with the subscription form prescribed in the ‘Service’.
② However, ‘Service’ may terminate the user agreement without consent or even after consent for any of the following applications:
i. If the applicant has previously lost membership pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 4, of this ‘Terms’, except where a person for whom three years have elapsed since the date of loss of membership under Article 3, paragraph 4, has obtained the approval of re-admission of the Service.
ii. Where there is a false, omitted, or erroneously stated in the details of the registration;
iii. Where otherwise determined that ‘Service’ is severely technically impaired to register the applicant as a member.
③ The user agreement shall be entered into force when the consent of the ‘Service’ reaches the member.
④ If a member changes any registered matter at the time of registration of a service contract, he/she shall notify the change within a reasonable period of time by modifying the member information, etc.

Article 3 Termination of User Agreement and Loss of Member Status
① A member may terminate the agreement at any time through a request for withdrawal, and the ‘Service’ shall immediately process such a request.
② If User wishes to terminate the user agreement and personal information protection services, membership may be revoked through membership withdrawal in accordance with procedures established by the Company.
I. Upon withdrawal, the user cannot log on to ‘Service’ and its use shall be limited.
II. Upon withdrawal, all information relating to the Service shall be deleted and are nonrecoverable. However, due to the technical characteristics of the block chain, data related to the block chain cannot be deleted.
III. However, the member must apply for termination after transferring all digital assets of the Service to an external storage. When assets are held on the ‘Service’ wallet, withdrawal is not possible, and the user must transfer the tokens to another wallet address.
③ Service may restrict membership status or terminate the user agreement in the following cases. The ‘service’ shall notify the member of the cause for termination by electronic mail, telephone, or other means. I. Where a person commits an act in violation of the relevant Acts and subordinate statutes, such as interference with the provision of an illegal program and the operation of the ‘Service’, illegal communications and hacking, distribution of malicious programs, or abusing access authority II. In case of violating the terms and conditions or interfering with the normal operations of the service provided III. Other circumstances where it is reasonably deemed by ‘Service’ that it must refuse to provide services IV. In the event of intending to use the ‘Service’ for an improper purpose
④ After ‘Service’ has restricted or suspended user membership, if the same act is repeated more than twice, or if the cause is not addressed within 30 days, the ‘Service’ may revoke the member status.
⑤ If the ‘Service’ terminates membership, it will revoke the membership registration. In such cases, the members shall be notified and given them an opportunity to plead their case at least 30 days before the cancellation of membership registration.

Article 4 Member’s Obligations
① A member shall, if there is a change in the matters stated at the time of application for membership, revise them or notify the ‘Service’ of the change by electronic mail or other means, and the ‘Service’ is not liable for any disadvantage caused by failure to notify the change.
② Members shall be responsible for the management of member information and personal identification numbers and shall not make them available to third parties. The ‘Service’ is not liable for damages caused to a member by the loss, misappropriation, or disclosure of access information, such as a member's personal identification number.
③ Members shall not engage in the following activities.
I. Input fraudulent information when registering or changing registration details
II. Identity theft
III. Modifying information posted on ‘Service’
IV. Transmitting or posting information (computer program, etc) other than those determined by the ‘Service’
V. Violation of the intellectual property rights of ‘Service’ or other third parties
VI. Defamatory actions or interfering with the operations of ‘Service’ or other third parties
VII. Utilizing ‘Service’ for profit without the consent of ‘Service’
VIII. Engaging in trading or transactions for speculative purposes, not the normal usage of ‘Service’
IX. Illicit activity such as pyramid schemes or unpermitted fund-raising
X. Miscellaneous illicit or illegal activities

Article 5 Provision of Services and Changes
① ‘Service’ performs the following operations
I. Providing information on goods and services, and confirming purchase agreements
II. Delivery of the agreed upon goods or services
III. Other activities decided by ‘Service’
② ‘Service’ may change the contents of goods or services to be provided under a possible future contract if goods or services are unavailable or if technical specifications have changed. Notification to multiple unspecified members may be substituted by a notice on the ‘Service’ bulletin for at least one week. Provided, however, in connection with a member's transaction, individual notice shall be given.
③ If ‘Service’ changes the contents of goods or services to be provided under the contract if goods or services are unavailable or if technical specifications, the reasons therefore shall be immediately notified to the user by electronic mail address.
④ In the case of the preceding paragraph, the ‘Service’ is liable for damages suffered by the user. However, this does not apply where ‘Service’ proves that there was no intention or negligence.

Article 6 Suspension of Services
① ‘Service’ may temporarily suspend the provision of services in the event of the repair, replacement, breakdown, loss of communication in its information and communications facilities, such as computers.
② ‘Service’ shall compensate damages suffered by a user or a third party due to temporary suspension of the provision of the Service on the grounds of paragraph (1). Provided that this does not apply where ‘Service’ proves that there was no intention or negligence.
③ If it is impossible to provide a service due to the change of the type of business, renunciation of the business, consolidation between enterprises, ‘Service’ shall notify the user in the manner prescribed in Article 8 and compensate the consumer in accordance with the terms and conditions presented in the original ‘Service’.

Article 7 Indemnification
① The data on the application of the ‘Service’ is provided ‘as is’. ‘Service’ does not give any express or implied assurance, and invalidate and deny, without limitation, any assurance, including product nature, suitability for a particular purpose, non-performance of intellectual property rights, or any other infringement of rights.
② Furthermore, the ‘Service’ does not guarantee or express the accuracy, possibility, or reliability of the use of data on the relevant data, websites, or any other relevant data or any other site.
③ There are risk factors that may arise in the process of transferring assets from the services provided by the ‘Service’.
I. Before depositing or transferring assets, users shall double-check the deposit or transfer address.
II. The figures displayed on the transaction request page within the ‘Service’ are estimates, and the asset withdrawal fee may change. Therefore, the estimated and actual fees charged after the completion of the transaction may differ depending on network congestion. It involves actual risks and uncertainties and does not guarantee the timeliness, suitability, or accuracy of the information.
III. For more information on ‘Service’, please refer to Article 8 Service Use Notice.

Article 8 Service Use Disclaimer
① Overview
‘Service’ is a blockchain-based decentralized application (DApp) developed by Carrieverse (hereinafter ‘the Company’). ‘Service’ users can use the application (iOS, AOS) to directly connect their wallets with the blockchain protocol to use deposit and transfer services for various digital assets. Members who wish to use this Service shall understand the concept of blockchain technology and digital asset trading, and be well-informed of the advantages and disadvantages, risks, and limitations that may arise through asset trading. Therefore, for safer transactions, please check the following precautions before using this ‘Service’.
I. One wallet is created per person when signing a service use contract for this ‘Service’.
II. If a user is connected for a long period of time after running the ‘Service’ or is connected through a company/public IP or if there are excessive requests for RPC (Remote Procedure Calls), there may be difficulties in using the ‘Service’.
III. If there are difficulties in using the ‘Service’ due to other reasons, please close the application and run it again after at least 1 hour has passed.
Please read this notice carefully as it contains information that users shall know in order to use the ‘Service’. If the user confirms this notice and continues to use the ‘Service’, it is recognized that the user has read, understood, and agreed to the contents of this notice.
② Asset Deposit and Withdrawal
When depositing and withdrawing assets from the ‘Service’, a user shall accurately confirm the type and address of the asset before proceeding. If a user deposits a type of asset that is not supported by the ‘Service’ or receives an asset to the deposit address entered incorrectly from the other party, the deposit may not be processed normally, possibly resulting in the asset being lost.
Users shall pay attention to the following when depositing and withdrawing assets from the Service.
I. In order to request a transaction, a user shall have assets in the user’s ‘Service’ wallet account. The user shall also have in their wallet account a small amount of coins (MATIC, ETH, AVAX) to be used as transaction processing fees on each chain, otherwise, the transaction may be restricted.
II. When transferring assets that can be directly deposited and withdrawn through the ‘Service’, a user shall accurately enter the deposit address, memo, or destination tag assigned to each account. If the deposit address, memo, or destination tag is not entered or entered incorrectly, the deposit may not be processed normally, possibly resulting in the asset being lost.
III. As the ‘Service’ is a decentralized service that does not centrally manage the private key of users’ assets, it has a structure that makes it impossible to recover assets and provide technical support to incorrect deposits by users, such as the aforementioned situations. This structure is designed so that no one, including the ‘Service’ team, can access the asset if a user enters the wallet address incorrectly or selects the wrong network type to deposit the asset. Therefore, the response to incorrect deposits may not be the same as that of other centralized exchanges (Upbit, Bithumb, Korbit, etc.) due to technical and structural reasons.
IV. The ‘Service’ guides the precautions when printing out the deposit address and is putting its most effort to prevent users from making incorrect deposits and will continue to develop ways to improve.
V. In addition, in order to prevent incorrect deposits due to user error, it is recommended to test deposits and withdrawals with a small amount first, and then transfer the entire asset if there is no problem.
VI. If a user makes a mistake in depositing assets through another service and not the ‘Service’, the user shall check the terms and conditions and precautions of the relevant site before contacting the Company
③ Limitation of Liability
I. The ‘Service’ provides an application that helps users to use the deposit and withdrawal functions of various virtual assets by directly connecting their blockchain wallet with a decentralized protocol. It does not manage or control the asset's transaction process or guarantee the transaction's integrity and reliability. Users shall carefully evaluate and consider the possible profits and the risks of loss due to price fluctuations in proceeding with the transaction under their own responsibility and judgment.
II. Asset loss may occur if a user does not enter or incorrectly enter the deposit address, memo, or destination tag when depositing and withdrawing assets. Users are responsible for entering information accurately, and the ‘Service’ shall not be held responsible for any asset loss for such cases.
III. The ‘Service’ shall not be held responsible for third-party services including the blockchain platform applied by the service protocol.
IV. The development and update of the ‘Service’ protocol pursue a process by a blockchain-based distributed consensus algorithm. Developers and participants of the ‘Service’ protocol shall not make any direct or indirect agreements or guarantees for related protocols, codes, services, etc. to the extent permitted by relevant laws.
V. The ‘Service’ is an application designed to interact directly with blockchain through a consensus process via distributed ledger technology to provide safe, complementary, and transparent financial transactions. However, the integrity of the code cannot be completely guaranteed due to the complexity of the software and the intrinsic limitations of the technology.
VI. Undetected defects may exist in the blockchain technology used in the ‘Service’. There is a risk of loss of principal as a result of asset theft that may occur due to hacking or flash loan attacks exploiting such defects.
VII. The ‘Service’ team is making every effort to keep the latest block synchronization. However, the Service may be suspended/terminated without notice, and 24/7 Service provision is not guaranteed due to circumstances such as natural disasters or force majeure, network failures, server inspections (regular inspection, temporary inspection, emergency inspection, etc., regardless of the reason and type of inspection), or increased transaction congestion on each chain, computer system errors, software attacks, other natural disasters, national emergencies, and force majeure reasons such as regulations or restrictions under each country's laws/policies.
VIII. the above problematic situations, numerical errors displayed in the ‘Service’, temporary connection failure to the Service, connection errors, and suspension may occur. In this case, delays and request failures may occur in the process of processing the transaction requested by the user.
IX. If there is no intention or gross negligence of the ‘Service’ team, to the extent permitted by law, for the occurrence of situations such as the two preceding paragraphs, the Service shall not be held responsible.
④ Update
I. The Company may distribute or provide patches, updates, upgrades, content, or other modifications to the Service for reasonable purposes. The Company may distribute or provide patches, updates, upgrades, content, or other modifications to the Service for reasonable purposes. Such modifications may cause the Service to be temporarily unavailable.
II. In certain circumstances, while the updates are distributed, the Service may be suspended, withdrawn, or deactivated for a longer period of time.
III. Suspension of the ‘Service’ due to reasons falling under I and II in the preceding paragraph, will be notified by e-mail or pop-up message from the Service.
IV. If there are reasons beyond the Company’s prediction or control, prior notice or announcement shall be excluded.
V. However, even if there are such exceptional reasons, the Company shall do its best to restore the ‘Service’ as soon as possible.

Article 9 Limitation of Liability
The ‘Service’ or ‘Service’-related information provider shall not be held liable for any damages (including unlimited loss of data or profits, and damages resulting from business interruption) arising from the inability to use the application, even if any possibility of damage is reported orally or in writing.

Article 10 Fidelity of Content
① Content exposed on the ‘Service’ may include technical errors and errors in images.
② No data on the ‘Service’ is guaranteed to be accurate, complete, or up-to-date. If a user wishes to use the data included in the ‘Service’ for the user’s own purposes, the user shall determine the professionalism and suitability of the data by him or herself.
③ The ‘Service’ may change, add, or delete the data included in the ‘Service’ at any time without notice. However, the ‘Service’ does not make any commitment to data updates.
④ The ‘Service’ shall not be held liable for any damages caused by the use of the related information and data unless there is illegal act on the part of the ‘Service’.

Article 11 Intellectual Property
① All data and content property rights and ownership of the ‘Service’ are the sole property of the Service.
② A user should not use the information, the knowledge property right of which belongs to the ‘Service’, for profit purposes, such as reproduction, modification, transmission, publication, distribution, and broadcasting, without the prior consent of the ‘Service’. Such information shall not be made available to the public.

Article 12 Effectiveness of Terms and Modifications
① ‘Service’ may modify or amend this ‘Terms’ at any time without prior notice to the extent that it does not violate relevant laws and regulations.
② Modified contents will be notified or notified by electronic means including, but not limited to, posting of electronic notices or pop-up messages by the ‘Service’.
③ User acknowledges and accepts, at the discretion of the Company, that the terms and conditions may be modified or modified at any time without notice. If the terms and conditions of the service continue to use the service even after they are modified, it is deemed that the agreement and acceptance of such modification or modification have been made.

Article 13 Jurisdiction and Governing Law
① Any legal proceedings regarding an electronic commerce dispute arising between ‘Service’ and a user shall be governed by the user's address at the time of filing the lawsuit, and if there is no address, it shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court having jurisdiction over the place of residence. However, in the case of a foreign resident, the address or residence of the user is not known at the time of filing the suit, or in the case of a foreign resident, it is brought to the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act.
② Korean law applies to e-commerce lawsuits filed between the ‘Service’ and users.